'#HowItsMade Mondays 9/8c on Science The average person eats about 6 pounds of potato chips a year. The first ever potato chip flavor was salt and vinegar. Full episodes streaming FREE on Science GO! https://www.sciencechannelgo.com/how-its-made/ More How It\'s Made: http://www.sciencechannel.com/tv-shows/how-its-made/ Subscribe to Science Channel: http://bit.ly/SubscribeScience Check out SCI2 for infinitely awesome science videos. Every day. http://bit.ly/SCI2YT'
Tags: how its made , science channel , Production Line , how it's made , factory made , how do they do it , mechanical production , everyday items , how it's made tv show , HIMCA , potato chip flavors , salt vinegar chips , pringles cans , chip flix , making potato chips , stackable chips
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